Coming Soon...

Red Hill - dir. Patrick Hughes (Out in Ireland 20th May)
Starring: Ryan Kwanten, Steve Bisley, Tom E. Lewis

A modern day western revenge drama set in Australia (and therefore I'll watch it), starring Vinnie from Home and Away or Jason Stackhouse from True Blood depending on where you come from.

Next up here's two films coming soon with the Guillermo Del Toro touch/seal of approval

Julia's Eyes - dir. Guillem Morales (Out in Ireland 20th May)
Starring: Belén Rueda, Lluís Homar and Pablo Derqui

Del Toro produces this film about a woman convinced her sister's suicide was something far more sinister.

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark - dir. Troy Nixey (Out in U.S. late August)
Starring: Katie Holmes, Guy Pearce, Bailee Madison and Alan Dale

Del Toro co-wrote this remake of a 1973 TV movie, and with a seemingly low budget (US$12 million) was still able to attract Katie Holmes and, not one but two ex-Neighbours stars, in the shape of Guy Pearce and Alan (so what I'm in every single US show) Dale. The film centres around a young girl who goes to live with her father and his new girlfriend and then has to fight off creatures in her new home who want her to become of their own.